There comes a time when only a Cigar will Do.

The Essence of Luxury

At Command Cigars, we understand that true luxury lies in the details. That’s why we meticulously select the finest tobacco leaves from the lush fields of the Dominican Republic. Each leaf is chosen for its exceptional quality and flavor profile, ensuring that every Command cigar is a masterpiece of taste and aroma.

Handcrafted with Precision

Our commitment to excellence extends to every step of the cigar-making process. From the moment the seed is planted to the final band that adorns each cigar, our master blenders and rollers work tirelessly to ensure that every Command cigar meets the highest standards of quality and consistency. With decades of experience and a passion for perfection, our artisans bring their expertise to every blend, resulting in cigars that are truly exceptional.

A Portfolio of Distinction

Explore our portfolio of meticulously crafted cigars, each offering a unique and unforgettable smoking experience. From our bold and complex blends to our smooth and creamy wrappers, there’s a Command cigar to suit every palate and preference. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, our collection has something for everyone to enjoy.

Our Products



MAR 30

Launch Party

Whiskey Beard Cigar Lounge
1600 Cherry Kansas City MO 64108


APR 20

Command Cigars

Ash Cigars
6431 N Cosby Ave, Kansas City MO 64151


    Get the Info